30 Day ART Challenge

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30 Days of creating ART challenge. Every day of September I am challenging myself to create , everyday! Draw, paint, pencil, pen, knife, wood burning, any medium any style. Let’s see how creative we can get. I am great at creating regularly, but never have done 30 days in a row. I will create something every day and post it here on this blog post, you can also follow the progress on my social media pages. Facebook fan page Art of Dominic Olivares and Instagram dominic_artist. If you would like to take up the challenge it would be great if you could post in the comments of each day so that I can see your progress, you can start at any day or just post your most current drawing/painting.

Update 10/1/20- Challenge Completed! Selected paintings from this 30 day Challenge are Now for sale on the SHOP Page. dominicolivares.com/shop

Dominic Olivares